Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Model Friends...

I have really beautiful friends. Unfortunately, I made the mistake of trying to sketch with the Uni-ball roller. The ink flow is nice and smooth.

Too nice and smooth.

With cheap pens, I'm usually able to turn the nib on its side to better control the flow of ink, but these pens don't let me do it, so these sketches really lack subtlety and anything vaguely redeeming. Jann doesn't wear make-up; it's hard for me to draw how pretty she is without implying that maybe she does. Josh is very good-looking too, despite (or because of) being the Face of Evil.

Take care.

1 comment:

Sophia Chang said...

Oooh are you doing it? What's your NaNo name? Just an hour before it starts I'm so excited!

You know they have ones for drawings and picture books too? 30 drawings, 30 ideas, etc.