Sunday, March 13, 2011


Piece in progress for an upcoming group show. The theme is Vikings & Marauders. I like the direction this is heading in, but that eye and that hand wrapped around the hilt is making me its bitch.

Take care.

Sunday, March 6, 2011


1. Celina, Sometimes
Inspired by a friend of mine; the original photo was kind of grainy; it looked like the highlighted parts of her hair were red and the shadows were blue, so I just kind of ran with it. The most important thing about the piece is that it's pretty because Celina is so gorgeous.

2. Doctor Knott
Ha! The title is so obscure. Not much to say about this one; has a lot to do with my usual visual motifs. I really like the idea of a barrier or filter.

3. Papa Har Lov (Papa Has Permission)
Permission to do what? I think you know...
The man in the gas mask is, of course, based on Helga Rise's onstage persona.

4. Stuart
This was, initially, going to be a set of companion pieces (will still be, assuming no one buys it). Have you heard of Barry and Stuart? They're absolutely brilliant.

5. A Story Not Unlike One You've Heard Before
Inspired by...mushrooms and literature, mostly.

6. Gilliamatic 2.0
Definitely has nothing to do with a favorite British comedy show of mine...

Take care!


Sorry everyone! That was a huge gap of time; too huge. I apologize... Here are some scraps.

1. Scott, Megan, and a bishop. Bishop looks nice. Can't say much about my figure drawing skills; I suck so much at this

Josh playing LoL. Josh is a real specimen; I have a difficult time drawing him, but this is one of those rare occasions where I manage to make it look decent.

3. An eye and a hand; just messing around..

4. The Cauldron Born
Ok, I'm going to give this acrylic thing another try, despite promising myself that I would never do it again...

5. Andrew sitting, Teddy crouching.

Blurbs on the illustrations next!

Take care.