Tuesday, July 7, 2009


When I'm not doing layout design, this is basically what I do at work. I designed this shirt for, well, fencers obviously. But, hopefully, other people and athletes will like it too.

For those that don't get the joke, here's a brief fencing rundown:
There are three weapons, each with their own rules and target area: foil, epeé, and sabre. Epeé has no right of way (ie, if you hit your opponent without getting timed out, you get a point) and the target area is the entire body.

So, naturally, you want to touch your opponent all over.

Coach recommended I use the phrase "I want to" instead of "I'm gonna," but I liked it better this way; it's way more threatening and rapeist-like.

Take care.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, epee.
Nice work. ^_^